H2 MENA - Green Hydrogen SolutionsH2 MENA - Green Hydrogen SolutionsH2 MENA - Green Hydrogen Solutions
[email protected]
The MENA Region
H2 MENA - Green Hydrogen SolutionsH2 MENA - Green Hydrogen SolutionsH2 MENA - Green Hydrogen Solutions

About us

Hydrogen Produced From Abundant Resources

We take Water from the Sea, Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources, to produce pure Hydrogen.

The MENA region is solar rich and we work to contribute positively to make the region a global player in producing Green Hydrogen!

We work as a project developer, an idea initiator and a true partner to our clients.

We forge collaborations of different entities across governments, manufacturers, and EPCs to ensure overall project goals achievement.

We live and dream of Green Hydrogen as a global solution to energy independence and climate neutrality.

H2MENA Roadmap

H2MENA started in 2021 as a leading platform to raise awareness of Green Hydrogen & its applications, today we expanded our portfolio to serve as project development and consultation entity.


Nov, 2021

Green Hydrogen Awareness Campaign Initiated

Jun, 2022

Signing an Agreement with Metavirtua to be the Official Hydrogen Topics/Applications Training Partner

Q1, 2023

International Partnership with Manufacturers

Q4, 2023

Initiating the Hydrogen Consultation Partner Program

Jan, 2021

Establishment of H2MENA

Mar, 2022

H2 Applications Campaign

Aug, 2022

Course Launched: Certified Green Hydrogen Professional

Q2, 2023

Milestone: +150 Engineers Trained, +7 Courses Held

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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